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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Introduction to OiNKs!

We are Mason and Bobbi Capps and it has always been our dream to open a restaurant serving great food while bettering our local community and those that work for us. In the Spring of 2010 we will be opening that restaurant. Here you can follow our progress and even help us make decisions on elements of the business like décor, hours and more.

We are a green company who strives to run our business sustainably by recycling food, plastics and oil as well as repurposing or reusing existing materials like reclaimed lumber and using easily sustainable products like bamboo in our design. 

We use grain fed, antibiotic free meats and offer this at a low price point. We believe that everyone should be able to eat good, affordable hand made food. 

We are very focused on the community and hope to make a positive impact on our neighbors as an employer, as an eatery and as a benefactor. We will especially be focused on the indigent population of Denver and plan to donate our food and our time to the organizations that support them like the Denver Rescue Mission and the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless. 

We will also focus on training for our employees in healthy cooking, interviewing, leadership and basic finance management.

We are very excited to serve each of you in the coming year!